Thursday Programs

Brusher Bather Certificate Program

Teri DiMarino

Your ability to do your job, and do it right, separates you from being "just a bather" to a position that contributes to the finished product in the salon. Teri believes that a good bath, brush and dry is 50% of a great groom. The bathing room is where most stylists started. Before future groomers begin to think of clipping coat, they must first know what to expect from the hair, and how to treat it to obtain desired results. Surprisingly, many great B/Bs remain in the bathing room, preferring the security of knowing there will always be a need for their expert services. Bathers-in-training, "groomer wannabes", seasoned groomer techs and salon owners will benefit from this day-long program with tips on equipment and products to make the job easier. From getting the dog ready for the tub, to finding the right shampoo through proper bathing and blow-drying techniques, Teri will cover the B/B fundamentals. Safety issues and handling will be stressed.

Tools of the Trade and How to Use Them

From brushes and nail clippers, muzzles to grooming loops, Teri covers equipment basics, highlighting correct uses, in an effort to make the work easier and more comfortable for pet and bather. "These techniques and tools will make the finished groom a true work of art," says Teri. Anals and ears will be also discussed.

Dematting… It’s Not What It Used To Be

Everyone has a technique for dematting a neglected pet. For some, it’s a shave-down and then entering the pelt in a Mat Contest. For others, it’s a time-consuming, hair-splitting experience, destined to take its toll on the pet, the B/B or both. Teri examines the most common and effective products, tools and techniques for the demat dilemma without getting all tangled up.

What’s In Those Bubbles??? Shampoos, Conditioners & Spray

Tocopherol, Ergocalciferol, Sodium Chloride. Teri takes a "groomers-eye" view of the stuff we use every day in language we can understand. Shampoos, sprays and conditioners are our most expendable items but what do we really know to select the right product for our situation? (Those scary words are techno-speak for vitamin E, vitamin D and simple table salt, often found in many grooming products.)

Getting the Most Out of Your Bathing and Drying Time

Bathing and drying are the most underestimated aspects of our jobs. Techniques can make or break a groom. The ability to properly apply products, thoroughly clean and then dry the pet will have a direct influence on the finish. You will hear about time-saving equipment and techniques.

This program is six hours long and is included in the Do-It-All admission or can be purchased separately. See Schedule and Registration for starting times and fees. Program includes Trade show on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

A Groomer’s Guide to Purebred Dogs

Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins

This fast-paced overview of the world of dogs will provide context and back story for groomers to better understand what we see every day in our canine clients. Deeply rich in scientific and historical information, attendees will receive a Certificate for this academically substantive workshop. This must-see program will be especially helpful to the more novice groomer. But even the well-established dog professional will meet the most cutting-edge thinkers in our field and learn all new science, history, and organizational approaches to grooming the various coat types based on an evolutionary understanding of dog breeds and groups.

Discover how both nature and nurture combined to create the closest relationship of any two species on this planet: the unique bond between humans and the dog. Attendees will learn the origins, genetic makeup, and evolutionary forces that led to the anatomy and diversity of dog breeds, coat types, amazing abilities, and engaging behaviors of dogs that we see today. What is a "purebred" dog and how does the recent fad of designer crossbreeds fit in to the bigger picture? Why are the modern dog breeds "grouped" into certain common functions, abilities, and even coat types? How does the origin of the seven groups help us better understand their grooming needs? What are the major dog coat types and how should each be groomed correctly? Why was each coat type created?

We will identify and cover basic information on over 200 breeds, categorizing their coat types for easy organization into grooming approaches. We will also cover dog shows: what they are, how they can be accessed, and how groomers can benefit from them, as well as what tools, equipment, and grooming procedures are right and wrong for each type of coat. Also find out what differences exist between "pet" and "show" grooming for each of the coat types. By the end of the day every groomer will have acquired have a deep understanding of, and powerful evidence for, the importance of the grooming profession.

Hair and Skin 101 Certificate Course

Dr. Cliff Faver

Learn the science, techniques, and product types to successfully put the “why” in what you do. This course is a must for groomers, bathers, and office personnel in the grooming shop and veterinary clinic alike. Come see what some say can’t be done! Real-time cases done by groomers will be shared.

1) Understanding Hair and Skin

Learn the basic anatomy and function of the skin and hair. This is a critical foundation for this class and everything a groomer or bather does. This hour will explain a lot of the science about how nutrition, sebum, and basic anatomy work so you can understand the “why” in what you do.

2) Understanding the Difference in Coat Types and The Protocols to Use

In this class you will learn the needs of the different coat types so you can make better decisions in the product types you pick for maximum results.

3) Understanding Common Things That Go Wrong and That Lead To Skin issues

Always wonder why these skin conditions occur and reoccur? Does technique play a factor? Could I have caused that issue? When the client or veterinarian accused me of causing the issue, is that true?

4) The Science to Follow in Treating Skin Issues

Learn methods, techniques, and types of products to fix the skin problems when they occur. Learn principles that will lead to success when treating skin issues, how to grow hair back on those shaved-down dogs, and why steroids and antibiotics and the typical therapies for skin don’t always work.

Salon Owner Series Certificate Course

Joey Villani

In this four-part certificate course designed for salon owners, grooming business expert Joey Villani will cover all aspects of owning a salon, from starting a business to managing employees and clients.

1) Pet grooming business opportunities, including: learning what’s right for you; to own or not to own; business pros and cons; personal profile; buying an existing business or starting new; fixed location, mobile, home-based, concession or table rental.

2) Creation of a pet grooming business, including: location selection; steps and cost; construction; equipment and supplies; layout; income and expense categories; pricing and booking; additional services; marketing.

3) Employees, including: the interview; how to pay; types of pay; how to keep valued employees; efficient use of personnel; and who to hire next.

4) Client relations, including; the right image; work with clients; customer complaints; policies and procedures.

Geriatric Grooming Certificate Course

Mindy Dinwiddie

Have you noticed that your customer base is aging rapidly? Are the cute little puppies you once groomed getting older and requiring more care? Providing the best possible care for these beloved pets is essential. This four-hour certificate class will teach you everything you need to know, including how to communicate with clients, what products to use, and the diseases senior dogs may face. Mindy will go over everything you need to know giving you the tools to become a skilled senior dog groomer who is in high demand for compassionate care. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate to proudly exhibit your dedication to the well-being of your clients' elderly dogs.

Cat Grooming Summit

Dana Chavez-Rey

Join Master Groomer Dana Chavez-Rey, global educator for Andis, for this four-hour Cat Grooming Summit. Dana will start with a brief overview of feline anatomy and physiology including a few basic functions, like why cats rub or scratch surface areas. She will discuss recognizing distress and aggression in felines, and what causes these reactions. How do you identify these signs before they excel, and when is it appropriate to end the grooming session? Dana will help you spot these behavior issues before the cat reacts aggressively.

Not all grooming equipment is appropriate for use on felines. Dana will go over the must-haves for cat grooming and answer the questions, Why invest so much? What is right for me and my cat clients? Where to purchase from and why? Lastly, Dana will do a live cat grooming demonstration and discuss differences in the staple cat trims. She will touch on safe alternatives to working with cats and modified techniques based on feline temperament. Dana’s Cat Grooming Summit is a can’t-miss for every groomer who works with cats!

Thursday Evening

Long to Short Styling Doodle Trims

Rachel Colant

In this two-hour class, Rachel will be covering the ins and outs of doodle grooming styles. We know one size does not fit all—from pet owners who like a long, fancy trim to those who prefer a simple stylish salon trim—Rachel will share her favorite tools, prepping tips, owner communication, and two different haircut styles so your doodles can leave your salon with a styled trim that can be managed at home!

Making the Everyday Dog Shine

Nathan Austin & Kathlena Austin

This seminar provides a comprehensive dive into the foundational steps that transform a routine grooming session into a transformative experience. In this class, we will focus on ensuring thorough cleaning and drying of the dog, discussing the best dryer types; essential pre-grooming techniques like complete brushing, along with tools and aids such as brush sprays; techniques to assess every dog that enters your salon, evaluating coat types, temperament, client desires, and then implementing corrective grooming; advanced tips for enhancing a dog's natural attributes, like adjustments for older dogs with thinner coats, corrective grooming for physical quirks, and strategies to alter a dog's perceived size or shape; and client education methods, creating a harmonious partnership with pet owners.

A Splash of Color and Fusion

Colin Taylor & Jayne Gallagher

Ever thought your dog could pull off a splash of color and a touch of Asian fusion styling? Think it’s only for the pros? Think again! The art of transforming your furry friend into a stylish sensation can be both ridiculously fun and surprisingly easy—even for those of us who aren’t exactly grooming gods. Asian styling has taken the grooming world by storm, and who could blame it? Those adorable little faces with their trendy trims are irresistibly cute. And then… BAM! A pop of color here, a hint of flair there, and suddenly, you’ve got a canine fashion icon. But don’t worry if your Asian fusion skills aren’t quite there yet. Enter Colin—our shearing sensation! Not an expert in Asian fusion or coloring, but boy, does he know his way around breed styling. Speedy with the shears and full of flair, Colin was the first male groomer to join GroomTeam USA. And now, he’s here to show you that even the greats have room to learn. Watch Colin style a pooch and then get put through the wringer by a top-notch guest speaker. He’ll tackle color and Asian fusion styling like a champ—or at least with a lot of laughs! Colin’s message? You’re never too old to learn new tricks or too proud to admit your weaknesses. Prepare for a class full of learning, laughter, and leaving with new tricks up your grooming sleeve. Get ready to giggle, gasp, and go back to work with a whole new bag of grooming goodies.

Barkleigh Pet Professional First Aid & CPR Certificate Course

Kelsey Ann Sexton

As a pet care professional, you want to be equipped with the skills to handle medical emergencies that arise while a pet is in your care. Whether a pet becomes ill, injured, or needs help in a disaster, this course will teach you how to respond. In this two-hour course, you will learn how to stock a first aid kit, perform CPR, respond to breathing and heart emergencies (including choking), and disaster procedures, with some of these exercises being demonstrated on a live dog. This unique course is customized for pet care professionals and you will learn how to respond to emergencies specific to your industry. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a frameable certificate stating that you are certified in Pet Professional First Aid & CPR.